Lawn Signs are Sprouting Around Town All Andover Educators have worked since August 31st without a contract. They have poured their passion, expertise, and labor into making a historically difficult year productive and rewarding for Andover students. In return the School Committee and Town Manager have offered disrespectful and regressive compensation packages during contract negotiations. You can show support with a yard sign today! Contact Nick Rand: We will drop off and pick up signs as needed. … [Read more...]
Andover Educators Show Solidarity with Unit Negotiation Teams
Across Andover Public Schools, Educators Demand Fair Contracts for All AEA Units Did you know, that despite the pandemic and the intense demands on Andover educators to fill the roll of two educators at once- at all levels- that they are working without contracts or fair compensation? The Andover School Committee needs to respect the faculty and staff of APS- Fair Contracts Now! … [Read more...]